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2176. October 27, 2016 | Chemical Watch
No risk from phthalate substitutes in toys, says French agency.
An expert opinion from the French agency for food, environmental and occupational health and safety (Anses) has found no health risk to children from mouthing plastic toys, containing four phthalate plasticiser substitutes.
2177. October 26, 2016 | The Independent, United Kingdom
Air pollution damages arteries of even healthy young adults, new study shows.
Tiny particles of air pollution can damage the inner lining of veins and arteries in young and healthy people, putting them at greater risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure, according to new research.
2178. October 26, 2016 | VietNam Net
Scientists warn about Vietnamese habit of reusing plastic bottles.
The reuse of plastic bottles in Vietnam may bring serious health consequences, according to scientists.
2179. October 26, 2016 | Reuters
China vows better environmental monitoring to improve health.
China aims to create a comprehensive environmental monitoring system by 2030 in its efforts to boost citizens' health and raise life expectancy, the government has said.
2180. October 25, 2016 | Reuters Health
Burden of cancer deaths from smoking heaviest in US south.
Of all cancer deaths in the U.S., the share that’s related to smoking varies considerably by region, with southern states bearing the heaviest burden, according to a new study.
2181. October 25, 2016 | Agence France-Presse
Air pollution can affect blood pressure, says study.
Long-term exposure to urban air pollution incrementally increases the risk of high blood pressure, according to a study released Tuesday of more than 41,000 European city-dwellers.
2182. October 24, 2016 | TED Radio Hour
VIDEO: How do toxics from plastics find their way into our food?
Ocean advocate Emily Penn has seen first hand how much plastic ends up in the oceans. She explains how the toxics from plastic makes their way into our food chain and how we might be able to stop it.
2183. October 20, 2016 | Chemical Watch
Companies replace triclosan with 'unproven chemicals.
Substitutions used to replace banned substances triclosan and triclocarban, in consumer wash products, are not proven to be “safe and effective”, an NGO has claimed.
2184. October 20, 2016 | Nairobi Daily Nation, Kenya
Pollution killing more than AIDS and TB, report says.
More than 14,000 annual deaths in Kenya can be averted if the country embraces clean environment and inclusive green growth, a conference has been told.
2185. October 19, 2016 | London Daily Mail, United Kingdom
The plastic plague.
Plastic bottles contain hormone-disrupting chemicals that can cause cancer, diabetes, ADHD and autism, scientists confirmed in a report on Tuesday.
2186. October 14, 2016 | CBC Canada
New chemicals may be less toxic, safer for Arctic wildlife: Researcher.
An academic at Carleton University says his preliminary research in the Arctic shows new chemicals used in many every-day items like pesticides and clothing may be better for the environment and safer for wildlife.
2187. October 14, 2016 | CNBC
Food waste could be used to pull lead, mercury from water.
A group of researchers has designed a foam made from coffee grounds and silicone that can remove lead and mercury from water.
2188. October 14, 2016 | Glens Falls Post Star, New York
Residents express PFOA concerns during forum in Cambridge.
Residents in southern Washington County who are affected by PFOA contamination had many questions, ranging from where it came from to how to get their wells treated, at a forum about the issue Wednesday.
2189. October 12, 2016 | Morning Consult
EPA announces 5 fast-tracked chemicals under new TSCA law.
The Environmental Protection Agency announced Tuesday it has selected five chemicals to regulate on an expedited basis under the update passed in June to the Toxic Substances Control Act.
2190. October 12, 2016 | Connexion, France
Pesticide found in breakfast cereal as tests show chemicals in non-organic muesli.
Pesticides have been found in all non-organic mueslis tested, with a study finding traces of chemicals including endocrine disruptors.
2191. October 4, 2016 | Environmental Health Perspectives
Fine particulate matter exposure and intrauterine inflammation: A possible mechanism for preterm and underweight birth.
A new study offers evidence that intrauterine inflammation is associated with exposure to fine particulate matter.
2192. October 3, 2016 | Washington Post
China pollution caused by graphite mining for smartphone battery.
Virtually all lithium batteries use graphite, and its cheap production in China, often under lax environmental controls, produces old-fashioned industrial pollution.
2193. October 3, 2016 | Times of India, India
Banned? Plastic waste chokes shrine area.
The district administration of Kolhapur imposed a complete ban on plastic bags in the Mahalaxmi temple and its premises, but the vendors, flower sellers, and devotees have ignored the decision.
2194. September 30, 2016 | Huffington Post
FDA tests confirm oatmeal, baby foods contain residues of Monsanto weed killer.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which is quietly starting to test certain foods for residues of a weed killing chemical linked to cancer, has found the residues in a variety of oat products, including plain and flavored oat cereals for babies.
2195. September 30, 2016 | Kyodo News, Japan
Toxic chemicals found exceeding standards at new Tokyo fish market site.
Two toxic chemicals were detected at levels slightly above the government-set environmental standards in groundwater samples from Tokyo’s Toyosu area where the famous Tsukiji fish market is planned to be relocated.
2196. September 29, 2016 | Korea Herald, South Korea
Microbeads to be banned in cosmetics products.
Microbeads will be banned from use in cosmetic products as concerns rise over them polluting the environment and damaging the marine ecosystem, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety said Thursday.
2197. September 27, 2016 | The Independent, United Kingdom
Health of more than 90 percent of world's population affected by air pollution 'emergency', WHO says.
More than nine out of every 10 people on the planet live in areas where air pollution breaches official safety limits – and millions of people are dying as a result.
2198. September 27, 2016 | TakePart
Coffee grounds could clean up lead-contaminated water.
Researchers find that a sponge-like material made of recycled espresso could make drinking water safer.
2199. September 22, 2016 | Science News for Students
Nicotine from smoke enters body through the skin.
Breathing isn’t the only way that chemicals in cigarette smoke can enter the body. A new study shows that nicotine, a toxic chemical, can pass through skin and into the blood from the air or from smoky clothes.
2200. September 17, 2016 | Reuters
EPA says glyphosate, used in Monsanto herbicide, likely not carcinogenic.
Glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto Co's Roundup herbicide, is not likely carcinogenic to humans, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Friday as it outlined its current position on the controversial chemical.