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4676. July 27, 2012 | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
UNEP and Partners Step up Conservation Efforts for Kenya's Tana River, Kenya
Nairobi 25 July 2012 - Efforts to tackle the environmental degradation of one of Kenya's most important ecosystems have received an important boost, following a two-day conferences...
4677. July 26, 2012 | WBAY
High Levels of Chemical Benzene in Water Near Gas Leak Site, USA
Elevated levels of the chemical Benzene have been found in some well water samples near the site of a gas pipeline leak in southern Wisconsin, according to a statement from West Shore Pipe Line Company...
4678. July 26, 2012 | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
London 2012 Will Leave a Lasting Legacy for the UK and the Olympic Movement: UNEP Executive Director, UK
London, 26 July 2012 - Many of London 2012's sustainability measures were given the thumbs up by UN Under-Secretary General and UN Environment Programme Executive Director Achim Steiner as he toured final preparations for the summer Olympic and Paralympic Games...
4679. July 26, 2012 | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
China Voices Support for National Study on Value of Ecosystem Services, Kenya
Nairobi, 26 July 2012-The Chinese government has signalled its support for a future national study on the value of the country's ecosystems and biodiversity, during a high-level meeting in Beijing...
4680. July 25, 2012 | PR Newswire
Toxic Chemicals: U.S. Senate Defies Chemical Corporations, Passes Safe Chemicals Act, USA
WASHINGTON, July 25, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The United States Senate resisted tens of millions of dollars in lobbying and campaign contributions from the chemical industry to pass the Safe Chemicals Act out of a key committee...
4681. July 25, 2012 | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Launch of New Toolkit to Tackle Wildlife and Forest Crime, Switzerland
Geneva, 25 July 2012 - The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) today launched its Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit on the occasion of the 62nd meeting of the CITES Standing Committee being held in Geneva from 23 to 27 July 2012...
4682. July 24, 2012 | The Daily Star
Toxic waste of dyeing plant pollutes croplands, poses health hazard, Bangladesh
Untreated chemical waste from a dyeing factory at Loshkarpur, a densely populated area in Pabna municipality, is not only causing serious environmental degradation but also posing health hazards...
4683. July 24, 2012 | The Associated Press (AP)
Redwood City firm sued over dumping of toxic waste, USA
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. (AP) — San Mateo County prosecutors are suing a Redwood City construction company they claim illegally dumped five barrels of hazardous materials in a garbage bin...
4684. July 24, 2012 | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
UNEP Coordinates Helicopter Rescue of Baby Chimpanzee, Kenya
Nairobi, 24 June 2012 - A chimpanzee orphaned by the bushmeat trade has been airlifted to safety by United Nations peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The transfer was coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme's Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP)...
4685. July 24, 2012 | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
World-Wide Action on Black Carbon, Methane and Other Short-Lived Pollutants Grows as Seven More Countries Join New Coalition, France
Paris, 24 July 2012 - Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan and the United Kingdom were today announced as new country partners in an international initiative to cut a range of climate-damaging pollutants that also have health and agricultural impacts...
4686. July 24, 2012 | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
CITES Meeting to Tackle Smuggling of Elephant Ivory and Rhino Horn, Switzerland
Geneva, 24 July 2012 - The conservation and management priorities for the effective regulation of trade in wild animals and plants from 2013 to 2016 is taking centre stage in Geneva this week...
4687. July 24, 2012 | Pakistan Observer
Car pollution puts child health at risk, Pakistan
CAR pollution is creating asthma-like symptoms in otherwise healthy children, and potentially affecting their lung growth, according to a report that suggests Australia’s air-quality standards should be upgraded...
4688. July 24, 2012 | The Star
Sheffield asbestos compensation bill over £700k, UK
MORE than £700,000 has been paid out in compensation to former Sheffield Council employees exposed to asbestos in the past two years...
4689. July 24, 2012 | The Morning Sentinel
400-million-year-old bedrock has biggest impact on well water quality, USA
The quality of well water depends on geological events from 400 million years ago, according to a new U.S. Geological Survey study of more than 4,800 wells...
4690. July 23, 2012 | Juneau Empire
EPA: Marine diesel harmful to human health,
A treaty between the U.S. and Canada requires certain ships to burn low-sulfur diesel fuel in a North American Emissions Control Area in Alaska beginning August 1 (goo.gl/ZH2Eo)...
4691. July 23, 2012 | AAP
Smoking, not emissions, blamed for cancer, Australia
Smoking, not emissions, is the most likely cause of a spike in lung cancer near Sydney's M5 East tunnel, a pollution expert says...
4692. July 23, 2012 | DutchNews.nl
Asbestos found in Utrecht homes, dozens evacuated, UK
Dozens of people evacuated from their homes in the Utrecht district of Kanaleneiland on Sunday because of an asbestos scare will have to spend at least one more night in a hotel, news agency ANP reports...
4693. July 23, 2012 | CNN
London pollution could affect Olympic athletes’ performance, England
Less than a week from the opening ceremonies, allergists are warning that some Olympic athletes may suffer breathing problems due to air pollution in London...
4694. July 23, 2012 | ABC News
Ten of the most polluted places on the planet, Australia
MORE THAN 100 million people worldwide are exposed to dangerous levels of toxic chemicals. These pollutants include radionuclides, industrial chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals, which may come from activities such as mining, industry, agriculture and weapons manufacture...
4695. July 23, 2012 | The Intelligencer
More Air Pollution From Chesapeake Drilling Sites, USA
TRIADELPHIA - Sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde are some of the chemicals Chesapeake Energy is likely to pump into the air in Ohio County from its numerous drilling sites, company information states...
4696. July 23, 2012 | The Daily Star
Litani River pollutants force residents from homes, Lebanon
ZAHLE, Lebanon: As if the foul smell were not enough, the risk of disease and insect bites from the polluted Litani River have finally forced Khalil Soueid to put his riverside family home in the Bekaa Valley village of Bar Elias up for sale...
4697. July 23, 2012 | NYTime.com
Carcinogen Found in Chinese Baby Formula, Hong Kong
HONG KONG — A month after large batches of Chinese baby formula were found to contain dangerous levels of mercury, state media outlets reported Monday that the authorities have discovered more shipments of contaminated formula, this time poisoned with a cancer-causing toxin...
4698. July 22, 2012 | The Journal Sentinel
MMSD facing regulatory change in state wastewater discharge requirement, USA
You would expect state permits for municipal sewage plants to limit the amount of pollutants discharged to rivers and lakes and to impose deadlines on upgrading sewers and treatment facilities...
4699. July 22, 2012 | WSJ.com
Waste Center In Manhattan Clears Hurdle, USA
A garbage-transfer center proposed for the Upper East Side has cleared its final regulatory hurdle, paving the way for a project that has sparked outrage from one of the city's wealthiest neighborhoods and fueled debate over...
4700. July 22, 2012 | NYTime.com
Mapping Toilets in a Mumbai Slum Yields Unexpected Results, India
It was while stepping over the channels of ochre fluid that run between the raggedly cascading apartment blocks that make up the Mumbai slum known as Cheeta Camp that James Potter discovered a real-life version of what could be a scene out of a magical realist novel by Salman Rushdie...