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7326. November 1, 2010 | UNEP
UNEP launches Young Environmental Journalist Award for Africa, UNEP
Are you a young journalist with a passion for the environment? If so, then the United Nations wants to hear from you!...
7327. October 31, 2010 | Indian Express
Pollution check of industries: board to hire private agency, India
In the wake of large number of industries that have come up in Pune, the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) has decided to hire the services of private players to monitor pollution level at industrial sites on a daily basis...
7328. October 31, 2010 | The Good Human
Can Pollution Affect A Child’s IQ?, USA
A spate of recent studies suggests that pollution can indeed affect the intelligence of children of all ages (even those still in utero)...
7329. October 31, 2010 | The Economic Times
New toxic-free chemical for fogging in Delhi, India
NEW DELHI: Concerned over the harmful effects of the chemical used in fogging , particularly on field workers, the Union Health Ministry is conducting an efficacy study to replace it with a friendly one...
7330. October 31, 2010 | The Huffington Post
Toxic Air: The Health Risks of Pollution, USA
13 12views Get Health Alerts * Email * Comments 7 Some people argue that climate change is a left wing conspiracy intended to scare people into willingly accepting a new enviro-tax called cap and trade. Yet it shouldn't take a scientist or prophet to know that controlling our carbon emissions is about a lot more than climate or taxes...
7331. October 31, 2010 | ANI
Fragranced products emit unlisted 'toxic' chemicals, shows study, USA
Washington, Oct 31 A new study has shown that widely used fragranced products - including those that claim to be "green" - give off many chemicals that are not listed on the label, including some that are classified as toxic...
7332. October 30, 2010 | Orlando Sentinel
Toxic schools: Florida's aging, leaky schools outstrip dwindling pot of money to fix them, USA
Bill Smith sends this warning to Florida's teachers, students and parents: If you think indoor-air quality in public schools is bad now, just wait a few years...
7333. October 29, 2010 | nzherald
Chemical spill on busy Hamilton road, New Zealand
A chemical spill has partially closed a busy Hamilton throughfare...
7334. October 29, 2010 | DailyBulletin
Chemical spill at men's prison sends guards, inmate to hospital, USA
CHINO - A chemical spill inside a laundry facility in a yard at the California Institution for Men sent one inmate to the hospital with chemical burns and caused minor injuries to six corrections officers...
7335. October 29, 2010 | The Daily Star
'Prevent mobile phone pollution', India
The government should take measures to raise people's awareness about the harmful radiation from mobile phones and other electronic devices, which silently and invisibly pollute the environment and damage health as well...
7336. October 29, 2010 | Tehran Municipality
Motorcycles Account for 30% of Air Pollution in Tehran, Iran
Managing director of the central headquarters in charge of technical tests of cars announced that motorcycles conforming to Euro 2 standards consume two times higher fuel than current standards and cause 25-30 percent of air pollution in Tehran...
7337. October 29, 2010 | Chicago Tribune
Study: 'Green' products emit hazardous chemicals, USA
Widely-used scented consumer products that claim to be "green," "organic" or "natural" emit just as many toxic chemicals as other fragranced products, new research shows...
7338. October 29, 2010 | The Associated Press (AP)
Toxic Acid Found in Parts of California Lobster, Crab, USA
State officials are warning fans of California spiny lobster and rock crab to eat only the tail meat and not internal organs after finding a toxic acid in samples....
7339. October 29, 2010 | IPS
Black Floridians Await Settlement on Toxic Contamination, USA
NEW YORK, Oct 28, 2010 (IPS) - It is safe to say that the candidates running in Florida for the Nov. 2 congressional elections do not have a campaign stop planned for Tallevast. Residents there believe that they have been abandoned by the government...
7340. October 29, 2010 | The Charlotte Observer
6 sick in Hazmat incident, USA
Six people, including three firefighters, got sick today after being exposed to a fumigating agent in the Hampshire Hills neighborhood in Charlotte...
7341. October 28, 2010 | ABS-CBN News
Tiny Pacific island in world-first personal pollution scheme, Australia
SYDNEY, Australia - An obscure Pacific island is set to trial a world-first scheme where residents are offered cash incentives to follow a healthy, low-pollution lifestyle, researchers said...
7342. October 28, 2010 | AFP
South Africa in race against toxic mine water threat, Africa
For years Neels Van Wyk suspected something was wrong with the water on his farm, worries that grew as mining and government officials started frequenting the area to test nearby rivers...
7343. October 28, 2010 | AAP
Worker treated for toxic fumes in SA, Australia
A council worker has been overcome by toxic fumes while investigating claims of an illegal dumping in South Australia...
7344. October 28, 2010 | ANI
Tobacco's content of toxic nicotine 'makes it an excellent green pesticide', USA
Washington, Oct 28 : Scientists are searching for new uses of tobacco and one potential use they have found is its use as a natural pesticide, due to tobacco's content of toxic nicotine...
7345. October 28, 2010 | PRNewswire-USNewswire
Toxic Chemicals in Furniture and Other Consumer Products: Prominent Scientists Raise Concerns About Toxic Flame Retardants, USA
SAN ANTONIO, 145 prominent scientists from 22 countries signed a first-ever consensus statement documenting health hazards from flame retardant chemicals found at high levels in home furnitur...
7346. October 28, 2010 | KREM.com
Toxic smoke billows from Skyway tire fire, USA
SKYWAY, Wash. – King County sheriff's investigators are looking for the cause of a tire fire that sent toxic fumes into the air Wednesday night...
7347. October 27, 2010 | Agence France-Presse (AFP)
Chinese iPhone workers poisoned by chemical, Australia
WORKERS who say they were assembling Apple computers and iPhones in southern China have spent months in hospital after being exposed to a harmful chemical, an Australian media report said Tuesday...
7348. October 27, 2010 | The Budapest Times
Firm behind lethal toxic waste spill wants to resume control, Hungary
Magyar Alumínium (MAL) last week maintained its refusal to accept responsibility for the disastrous toxic spill of October 4, and urged the government to unfreeze its assets and relinquish control of the company...
7349. October 27, 2010 | THe Detroit News
Classes canceled at Fordson High because of pool chemical incident, USA
Dearborn - One person was overcome with fumes this morning at Fordson High School after pool chemicals were improperly mixed, officials said. The resulting noxious fumes caused the evacuation of the school and the eventual dismissal of classes for the day...
7350. October 26, 2010 | BusinessDay
Unions call for action on water pollution, Africa
TRADE unions warn that SA needs to take urgent action to address water pollution, and have applied to the National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) to discuss the issue...