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6376. April 11, 2011 | Newstalk ZB
Chemicals in chemical toilets cause concern, New Zealand
There are concerns toxic chemicals from thousands of portable toilets in Christchurch will cause harm to the city's already-stressed wastewater treatment system...
6377. April 11, 2011 | The National
Man 'burnt all over body' in chemical attack, UAE
DUBAI // A Pakistani driver lost one of his ears and suffered severe burns all over his body when four men - including a policeman - poured searing liquid on him, it was alleged yesterday...
6378. April 11, 2011 | Terra Daily
High Levels Of Toxic Compounds Found On Coasts Of West Africa, Spain
"We were not expecting to find such high levels of PCBs, highly toxic compounds that are considered as priority compounds by European legislation, in a region such as the western coast of Africa",...
6379. April 11, 2011 | Environmental Health News
Townspeople, gold shopkeepers highly exposed to mercury in Peru, Peru
Experts have long known Peru’s miners are exposed to extremely high levels of mercury. But now new research shows that the toxic threat has spread to towns in the Amazon and Andes Mountains where gold is sold...
6380. April 11, 2011 | The Washington Post
Chinese authorities detain suspect in tainted milk case that killed 3 children, China
BEIJING — Investigators have found that a tainted milk incident in northwest China that killed three children appears to be a case of intentional poisoning and have detained a suspect, state media said Monday...
6381. April 11, 2011 | Reuters
Japan may re-grade crisis to same level as Chernobyl, Japan
Japan is considering raising the severity level of its nuclear crisis to put it on a par with the Chernobyl accident 25 years ago, the worst atomic power disaster in history, Kyodo news agency reported on Tuesday...
6382. April 11, 2011 | UNEP
MEDIA ADVISORY - Green Economy Symposium: Accelerating the Transition, UNEP
The idea of a Green Economy is fast becoming a key component of mainstream economic discourse and is seen as the blueprint for a transition to a more efficient and equitable economy that makes better use of natural resources to achieve sustainable growth...
6383. April 10, 2011 | The New York Times
European Pollution Regulations Face Challenge, Belgium
BRUSSELS — Ships and planes that belch greenhouse gases in Asia and North America could affect the climate in Europe as severely as in some other parts of the world...
6384. April 10, 2011 | The Washington Post
In Japan, new attention for longtime anti-nuclear activist, Japan
Long before the ghostly images of Fukushima’s nuclear workers in white suits and gas masks appeared in newspapers and magazines around the world, photographer Kenji Higuchi was recording the lives and risks of the industry’s front-line laborers...
6385. April 10, 2011 | The New York Times
New Doubts About Turning Plutonium Into a Fuel, USA
On a tract of government land along the Savannah River in South Carolina, an army of workers is building one of the nation’s most ambitious nuclear enterprises in decades: a plant that aims to safeguard at least 43 tons of weapons-grade plutonium by mixing it into fuel for commercial power reactors...
6386. April 8, 2011 | The Morning Call
Chemical spill at Carbon County company, three injured, USA
Emergency crews are at the scene of a chemical spill at a Carbon County company that manufactures plastic compounds, according to a 911 supervisor...
6387. April 8, 2011 | UNEP
China celebrates 30 years of conserving and sustainably using biodiversity through CITES, China
Beijing, Geneva, 8 April 2011 - From pandas to tigers, China is home to some of the most magnificent wild species and plays a prominent role in the conservation and sustainable use of the planet's biodiversity...
6388. April 8, 2011 | UNEP
UN Climate Change Conference in Bangkok highlights both progress and divisions between governments on central issues, Thailand
Bangkok, 8 April 2011 – On the final day of the UN Climate Change Conference in Bangkok (3-8 April), UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres said that while positive and constructive, the meeting in Thailand...
6389. April 7, 2011 | ScienceDaily
Vehicle Pollution Significantly Damages Mouse Brain, USA
If mice commuted, their brains might find it progressively harder to navigate the maze of Los Angeles freeways. A new study reveals that after short-term exposure to vehicle pollution, mice showed significant brain damage -- including signs associated with memory loss and Alzheimer's disease...
6390. April 7, 2011 | Metal-Pages
Russian chromium plant fights back on pollution claims, Russia
LONDON (Metal-Pages) 07-Apr-11. The Russian chromium plant at the heart of an environmental pollution row denies that it is facing a threat of closure...
6391. April 7, 2011 | Innovation Report
Livermore researchers develop battery-less chemical detector, USA
Unlike many conventional chemical detectors that require an external power source, Lawrence Livermore researchers have developed a nanosensor that relies on semiconductor nanowires, rather than traditional batteries...
6392. April 7, 2011 | BBC
Woman treated after chemical incident in Harlow garage, UK
Firefighters have been called to a chemical incident in Harlow, Essex...
6393. April 6, 2011 | The Times of India (TOI)
Air pollution worse than 2010, India
CHANDIGARH: The city seems to be paying a price for its enviable green cover, especially the exotic trees, as pollen emanating from...
6394. April 6, 2011 | EurekAlert!
Common nanoparticles found to be highly toxic to Arctic ecosystem, Arctic
Queen's researchers have discovered that nanoparticles, which are now present in everything from socks to salad dressing and suntan lotion, may have irreparably damaging effects on soil systems and the environment...
6395. April 6, 2011 | ABC News
Toxic fish found near Japanese reactor, Japan
The operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant says it has detected 7.5 million times the legal limit of radioactive iodine in seawater near the facility...
6396. April 6, 2011 | ABC News
Toxic caesium found in fish off Japan, Japan
Traces of radioactive caesium have been found for the first time in fish off Japan's east coast...
6397. April 6, 2011 | WAtoday.com.au
Toxic leak plugged, Japan
TOKYO. Workers at the Fukushima nuclear plant fixed a leak yesterday that was allowing radioactive water to spill into the sea...
6398. April 6, 2011 | BBC
Fourteen die after eating toxic sardines in Madagascar, Africa
At least 14 people have died in Madagascar after eating toxic sardines...
6399. April 6, 2011 | UNEP
Media Advisory: UNSCEAR launches reports in runup to anniversary of Chernobyl Accident, UNSCEAR
Journalists are invited to attend a press briefing on two reports, Radiation exposures in accidents and Effects on non-human biota to be published by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR)...
6400. April 5, 2011 | Indian Express
Poisonous chemical formaldehyde linked to origin of life on Earth, USA
New research suggests that the poisonous chemical formaldehyde may have helped create the organic compounds present in the universe that gave rise to life...