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4401. September 21, 2012 | People's Daily Onlone
Chemical leakage turns villages red in Shandong, China
A bag of rhodamine that fell off a vehicle on the expressway turned two villages of Jinan, capital city of eastern China’s Shandong province, to red on the morning of September 18...
4402. September 21, 2012 | Xinhua | China Daily
Second-hand smoke greatest source of indoor pollution, China
BEIJING - A study conducted by an environmental group found that second-hand smoke is the single greatest source of indoor air pollution in Beijing...
4403. September 21, 2012 | Yahoo! New Zealand News
Toxic smoke billowing from Mt Eden fire, NewZealand
A huge cordon has been thrown around an inner city suburb of Auckland as toxic smoke billows into the air. Fire has broken out at Lahood Window Furnishings in Mt Eden, and a number of fire engines and ambulances are at the scene...
4404. September 21, 2012 | Environmental Health News
Kids exposed to mercury or lead more likely to have ADHD symptoms, Canadian study finds, EHN
Children exposed to higher levels of mercury or lead are three to five times more likely to be identified by teachers as having problems associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, according to a scientific study published today...
4405. September 21, 2012 | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
UNEP to Train Blue Helmets on Environmental Challenges to Peace and Security, Switzerland/Kenya
Geneva/Nairobi, A new training programme to support the UN's 16 peace operations in improving their management of the environment and natural resources has been launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) today...
4406. September 21, 2012 | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
International Conference Extends Fund to Tackle Management of Potentially Hazardous Chemicals, Kenya
Nairobi, The third International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM3), on Friday extended until 2015 a Trust Fund that has to-date provided over US$31 million to improve the management of potentially hazardous chemicals in 105 countries, providing a welcome boost to efforts to safeguard human health and the environment...
4407. September 20, 2012 | The Jakarta Post
Harmful chemical found in traditional medicines, Indonesia
The National Drug and Food Monitoring Agency (BPOM) revealed that several traditional medicines sold to the public in cities across the country contained a chemical substance that can harm consumers...
4408. September 20, 2012 | NaturalNews.com
Portland, Oregon votes to poison its citizens with toxic fluoride chemicals, USA
We here at Natural News have reported regularly on the dangers of adding fluoride to our drinking water, always citing the latest research on the issue to make our point that, quite simply, ingesting even small amounts of the chemical over time can cause medical problems such as brain damage, memory loss and other decreases in mental capacity...
4409. September 20, 2012 | NBC17.com
EPA explains what Wake Forest homes will be tested for toxic chemicals, USA
WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- Some Wake Forest residents want to know why their wells have not been tested for a toxic chemical. State and federal environmental staff says there's a toxic plume of TCE traveling into well water in the Stony Hill Road area and they are working to determine who is at fault for the leak...
4410. September 20, 2012 | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
African Policy Makers Seek to Reduce Pollution for Clean Air Benefits and Climate Protection, Africa
Accra, Today, high-level government officials, policymakers, environmental experts and industrial stakeholders from 15 countries converged in Africa for the first time in order to identify ways to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) from the continent...
4411. September 19, 2012 | The Himalayan Times
At least 26 killed in Mexico gas plant fire, Mexico
REYNOSA: A huge blaze erupted at a Mexican gas plant near the US border Tuesday, leaving 26 people dead, 28 injured and seven missing in the worst accident in two years for the state-run Pemex energy firm...
4412. September 19, 2012 | NBC Connecticut
Chemical Spill at Quinnipiac University's North Haven Campus, USA
Two people were taken to the hospital after a chemical spill on Quinnipiac University's North Haven campus...
4413. September 19, 2012 | The Daily Star
Tobacco factory fined for pollution, Bangladesh
The Department of Environment (DoE) on Monday fined a tobacco factory in Manikganj Tk19.6 lakh for polluting the environment with tobacco wastes...
4414. September 19, 2012 | Redio New Zealand
Phosphorus levels higher in river since upgrade, New Zealand
The Palmerston North City Council says an upgrade to the city's waste water treatment plant to halt phosphorus discharge into the Manawatu River has not worked effectively...
4415. September 19, 2012 | Reuters | RTCC
UNEP: Pollution from shipping and oil exploration could accelerate Arctic ice thaw, Arctic
Pollution in the Arctic from increasing levels of shipping and fosssil fuel exploration could accelerate the thawing of the regions sea ice, UN Environment Programme (UNEP) officials have warned...
4416. September 19, 2012 | Environmental Health News
School tuna contains excessive mercury, environmentalists' report says, EHN
Canned albacore tuna purchased by U.S. schools contains more mercury than what government officials have reported, raising the risks for some tuna-loving kids, according to a new study from a coalition of advocacy groups...
4417. September 18, 2012 | The Times of India (TOI)
German firm refuses to dispose 350 mt toxic waste from Bhopal, India
NEW DELHI: A German firm has refused to remove 350 tonnes of toxic waste from Bhopal gas disaster site for disposal in Germany, claiming the soil was contaminated with insecticides and that the waste was not related to the world's worst industrial accident...
4418. September 18, 2012 | The Iris Times
Warning over toxic Czech alcohol, Czech Republic
People travelling to the Czech Republic have been warned to avoid consuming locally produced spirits following a spate of deaths linked to methanol-laced alcohol...
4419. September 18, 2012 | UPI
Women sue after 'toxic' pool party, USA
NEW YORK, Two women are suing a concert promoter who touted a hip New York City party, but allowed them to swim in toxic water they say blinded them...
4420. September 18, 2012 | The Straits Times | ANN
Hazy conditions back in Singapore, but stay in moderate range, Indonesia
The haze has returned. At 3 p.m. yesterday, the three-hour Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) average hit 50, and stayed in the "moderate" range in the evening....
4421. September 18, 2012 | DPA | Gulf Times
Germany opts out of plan to dispose of Bhopal toxic waste, India
The German government development agency GIZ said yesterday it was pulling out of a project to incinerate 350 tonnes of toxic waste from a chemical plant in Bhopal, the site of the world’s worst industrial disaster...
4422. September 18, 2012 | Pakistan Observer
Environment pollution, Pakistan
Earth is perhaps the only planet in this vast universe, which is inhabited by life forms living in supporting environment. A thin cover of water and air known as the biosphere encasing earth sustains life...
4423. September 17, 2012 | The Jakarta Post
Text your say: 60 million male smokers, Indonesia
The statistics just prove that non-smoking campaigns have not had a greater effect than the growing number of cigarette advertisements put out on television, radio, billboards, in cinemas, magazines and on promotional stands at malls...
4424. September 17, 2012 | The Brunei Times
Antarctic ozone hole smaller than in 2011, says UN report, Switzerland
THE hole in the ozone layer, the earth's protective shield against ultraviolet rays, is expected to be smaller this year over the Antarctic than last, showing how a ban on harmful substances has stopped its depletion, the United Nations said on Friday...
4425. September 17, 2012 | 3 News
Chemical spill at North Shore cemetery, New zealand
The fire service has spent the morning securing a chemical spill at an Auckland graveyard. Authorities were called to the Birkenhead-Glenfield Cemetery about 9:40am, after three 20-litre pales of chemicals were discovered at the site...