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5651. December 5, 2011 | NaturalNews
Pesticides are one of top three 'worst toxic pollution problems' on planet, say non-profit groups, Natural News
(NaturalNews) The Blacksmith Institute (BI), an international non-profit environmental health organization devoted to solving pollution problems around the world, in conjunction with Green Cross Switzerland (GCS),..
5652. December 5, 2011 | The Vancouver Sun
Asbestos contractor faces jail, British Columbia
An asbestos-removal contractor who ignored orders from both WorkSafeBC and the B.C. Supreme Court to stop exposing "vulnerable" workers to asbestos will be sentenced Jan. 23 for contempt of court...
5653. December 5, 2011 | ABC News
Mixed reaction to CSG moratorium, Australia
Gloucester Basin opponents of coal seam gas (CSG) mining are not reassured by the New South Wales Government CSG moratorium...
5654. December 5, 2011 | The Hindu
Huge quantity of dead fish washed ashore near shipyard, India
A huge quantity of dead fish washed ashore near the shipyard channel raising environmental concerns...
5655. December 5, 2011 | Bloomberg
China, EU Seek to Avoid Blame for Expiring Kyoto Pact, UK
China and the European Union today will set out alternative proposals for extending limits on greenhouse gases, seeking to avoid the blame for undermining the only international pact limiting them...
5656. December 5, 2011 | The Wall Street Journal
Chinese Police Investigate Minute Maid Poisoning, China
BEIJING—Chinese police said they are investigating how toxic chemicals found their way into Coca-Cola Co. drinks in the northeast province of Jilin, killing a child and causing illness in three other people...
5657. December 5, 2011 | UNEP
Changes in Climate Trends Impacting Livelihoods and Food Security in the Sahel and West Africa, USA
A new study has found that the impacts of changing climatic conditions on the availability of natural resources, combined with population growth and weak governance, have led to greater competition over scarce resources and to changing migration patterns in the region...
5658. December 4, 2011 | Xinhua
Heavy fog in Beijing bodes ill for pollution, China
BEIJING - Dense fog shrouded Beijing Sunday evening, causing experts and the public to worry about a likely drop in the capital's air quality...
5659. December 4, 2011 | FS-WORLD.com
Vegetable packing shed hit by anhydrous ammonia explosion in AZ, USA
Two people were severely injured while working at a vegetable packing shed when they were exposed to an anhydrous ammonia explosion at Yuma (AZ) Express Cooling...
5660. December 4, 2011 | The Holland Sentinel
State smoking ban cuts indoor air pollution 93 percent, USA
Michigan’s 18-month-old ban on smoking in restaurants is allowing Michigan patrons to breathe cleaner air...
5661. December 4, 2011 | Reuters
Global industry CO2 output rising even in weak economy: study, USA
Global carbon dioxide emissions from industry rose about three percent in a weak global economy this year, a study released on Monday showed, adding fresh urgency to efforts to control planet-warming gases at U.N. climate talks in South Africa...
5662. December 4, 2011 | NPR
Wash. Mine Cleanup Puts Retreat Center At Risk, USA
Now, to a tiny village here in the U.S. attempting to solve an environmental challenge. Nestled in the remote valley in Washington's Cascade Mountains,..
5663. December 4, 2011 | The Guardian
UK green energy projects fall by wayside in dash for gas, UK
The construction of new renewable energy generation capacity has fallen dramatically, as the big six energy suppliers pursue a "dash for gas" policy that could put the UK's climate change targets out of reach and leave households with higher bills...
5664. December 4, 2011 | The New York Times
Carbon Emissions Show Biggest Jump Ever Recorded, USA
Global emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil-fuel burning jumped by the largest amount on record last year, upending the notion that the brief decline during the recession might persist through the recovery...
5665. December 4, 2011 | Agence France-Presse (AFP)
India's uranium mines cast a health shadow, India
Gudiya Das whines as flies settle on her face, waiting for her mother to swat them while she lies on a cot in Ichra, one in a cluster of villages around India's only functioning uranium mines...
5666. December 4, 2011 | NYTime.com
More Radioactive Water Leaks at Japanese Plant, Japan
TOKYO — At least 45 tons of highly radioactive water have leaked from a purification facility at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, and some of it may have reached the Pacific Ocean, the plant’s operator said Sunday...
5667. December 2, 2011 | Scoop News
Carbon News: toxic metal in soils major problem, New Zealand
Toxic cadmium levels, soil compaction and carbon loss are looming as major problems which could affect New Zealand’s agricultural economy, a soil scientist is warning...
5668. December 2, 2011 | brisbanetimes.com.au
Water treatment turns common chemicals toxic, says report, Australia
TRACES of common pain-killing drugs are being transformed into toxic forms by waste water treatment plants, a new report from researchers at the University of NSW shows...
5669. December 2, 2011 | The Times of India (TOI)
Pollution axe on chem factory, India
KOLKATA: Residents of Lake Town, in the northern fringes of the city, have won themselves a significant victory against a chemical factory that had made their lives miserable for years...
5670. December 1, 2011 | IANS
Sunscreen chemical may cause cancer, Singapore
Singapore, Dec 1 : A metal compound commonly found in consumer products and sunscreens lotions could potentially cause cancer...
5671. December 1, 2011 | Xinhua
Mongolian government approves new measures to combat air pollution, China
ULAN BATOR, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- The Mongolian government Wednesday approved new measures to combat the severe air pollution in Ulan Bator, the capital city...
5672. December 1, 2011 | The Daily Cardinal
Mercury pollution wreaking havoc on public health, USA
A little while back, I wrote an article about how a few Wisconsin cities are known as some of the worst polluters in the nation...
5673. December 1, 2011 | StarTribune.com
Maple Grove science experiment ends with face on fire, chaos, USA
Four Maple Grove Junior High students were hurt, one with serious burns, when their teacher lighted methanol in class...
5674. November 29, 2011 | The Detroit Mews
Commentary: Beware of toxic Chinese toys, USA
The holiday shopping season is in full swing, and there's a bigger threat to Christmas than the Grinch. Toxic toys created in China are on U.S. store shelves and pose a danger to the health and safety of American children...
5675. November 29, 2011 | environmentalresearchweb (ERL)
Advanced nanopackages capture environmental toxic agents, Japan
Mesocages, hollow spheres and nanowire-shaped metal oxides could help to protect human health and improve the quality of the environment by monitoring and capturing toxic agents...