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2101. February 21, 2017 | CBC Canada
Mercury in fish, seafood may be linked to higher risk of ALS, study suggests.
New research suggests eating certain species that tend to have high levels of mercury may be linked to a greater risk of developing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gherig's disease.
2102. February 20, 2017 | The Guardian
How air pollution harms your health - and how to avoid it.
It can cause eye irritation, breathing difficulties and heart disease. Here are ways to limit the damage.
2103. February 17, 2017 | Miami WLRN, Florida
Experts alert about risk of lead exposure in Florida.
A new report by the advocacy group Environment Florida argues that water in Florida’s schools and day cares may contain dangerous levels of lead, but that there is no way of knowing how widespread the problem is.
2104. February 16, 2017 | Lagos Guardian, Nigeria
Scientists develop technology to beat metal contamination of food products.
Nigerian scientists have designed stainless steel pepper grinding machine to address the rise in heavy metal contamination of food products.
2105. February 16, 2017 | With colon cancer, smokers may be less likely to survive.
Reuters Health
Current smokers diagnosed with colorectal cancer are more likely to die from it than former smokers or people who never tried cigarettes, a recent study suggests.
2106. February 16, 2017 | Lahore Daily Times, Pakistan
Pollution deaths
The government needs to realize that it has to incrementally cut its dependence on fossil fuels and utilize new green technology to mitigate the bad effects of using coal for producing energy.
2107. February 15, 2017 | The Guardian
From sea to plate: How plastic got into our fish.
Eight million tonnes of waste plastic ends up in the sea each year. Fish eat it - and then we do. How bad is it for us?
2108. February 14, 2017 | Consumer Reports
Flame retardant chemicals found in more people.
It's hard to avoid these toxics, but there are ways to limit your exposure.
2109. February 14, 2017 | New York Times
India's air pollution rivals China's as world's deadliest.
About 1.1 million people die prematurely each year in India and the number is rising, while China’s rate has stabilized at the same number.
2110. February 14, 2017 | CBC Canada
Potential carcinogen found in water used on Canadian Coast Guard ships.
Federal documents reveal concerns about ‘high risk’ to Coast Guard crews from BPA, xylene and ethyl-benzene leaching from epoxy linings of water containers on their ships. The contamination levels exceed federal drinking water norms.
2111. February 14, 2017 | VietNam Net
Underground water pollution reaches alarming levels.
The underground water in most of the large urban areas in Vietnam, especially in Hanoi and HCMC, is polluted due to rapid urbanization, according to the General Directorate of Environment.
2112. February 10, 2017 | Chemical Watch
Latest draft of EDC criteria raises new concerns.
The European Commission’s latest revision to its proposal for criteria to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has been met with further criticism from NGOs and industry.
2113. February 10, 2017 | Los Angeles KPCC Radio, California
Air pollution tied to increased diabetes risk, study says.
A new study of overweight Latino children in Los Angeles finds exposure to air pollution may increase their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
2114. February 8, 2017 | Daily Mail, United Kingdom.
Pregnant women drinking from plastic water bottles could be driving up their risk of having obese babies.
Many plastic bottles contain BPA - a hormone-disrupting chemical that suppresses sensitivity to a hormone that controls appetite. London
2115. February 8, 2017 | Chemical & Engineering News
Tracing the chemistry of household dust.
Researchers are finding an ever-growing list of chemicals in dust and are trying to understand what the compounds mean for our health.
2116. February 8, 2017 | The Independent, United Kingdom
Common method of cooking rice can leave traces of arsenic in food, scientists warn.
Experiments suggest normal method for cooking rice can expose consumers to range of health problems including heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
2117. February 3, 2017 | Northern Scotland Press and Journal, United Kingdom
Study finds presence of microplastics in River Spey fish.
A study to examine fish in the River Spey has found that more than one in six of them could be contaminated with microplastics.
2118. February 2, 2017 | Los Angeles KPCC Radio, California
Air pollution increases likelihood of dementia in older women.
Breathing polluted air nearly doubles the risk of dementia in older women, according to a new study published in Translational Psychiatry.
2119. February 2, 2017 | Reuters
Toxic chemicals in one-third of fast food packaging.
Fast food isn’t exactly known for its health benefits, but a new U.S. study suggests even the packaging may be harmful.
2120. January 24, 2017 | The Guardian
London on pollution 'high alert' due to cold air, traffic, and wood burning.
London has been put on “very high” alert as cold and still weather, traffic, and a peak in the use of wood-burning stoves combined to send air pollution soaring in the capital and across swaths of the UK.
2121. January 23, 2017 | BBC
Browned toast and potatoes are 'potential cancer risk', say food scientists.
Bread, chips and potatoes should be cooked to a golden yellow colour, rather than brown, to reduce our intake of a chemical which could cause cancer, government food scientists are warning.
2122. January 23, 2017 | Dhaka Daily Star, Bangladesh
Overuse of pesticides by farmers.
The overuse of pesticides by farmers to prevent attacks on their crops may perhaps help them make a quick buck in the short run, but in the long run, poses many dangers to human health and the environment in general.
2123. January 20, 2017 | New Delhi Hindustan Times, India
In Mumbai 35.3% premature deaths were results of stroke because of air pollution.
Most premature deaths in Mumbai and Delhi over two decades were caused by stroke (a medical condition that occurs when blood supply to the brain is cut off), due to inhalation of ultrafine suspended particles, revealed a new study.
2124. January 20, 2017 | Reuters
US cities move to curb lead poisoning following Reuters report.
Public officials are advancing measures, such as more blood-lead screening and property inspections, to protect children from the toxic threat.
2125. January 20, 2017 | Adirondack North Country Public Radio, New York
FDA issues new seafood advice for moms-to-be. not everyone is thrilled.
Concerns about mercury contamination have led many pregnant women to under-consume seafood. So the FDA issued a new chart explaining what to eat and what to avoid. But critics say it muddles matters.