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1326. April 12, 2020 | Scientific American
Methane levels reach an all-time high
A preliminary estimate from NOAA finds that levels of atmospheric methane, a potent heat-trapping gas, have hit an all-time high.
1327. April 10, 2020 | Washington Post
Air quality in the U.S. is improving due to coronavirus lockdown
The pandemic response has cleared the air from Los Angeles to Wuhan, China.
1328. April 9, 2020 | Environmental Health News
Environmental toll of plastics
From cell phones to bicycle helmets to IV bags, plastic has molded society in ways that make life easier and safer. But the synthetic material also has left harmful imprints on the environment and perhaps human health.
1329. April 9, 2020 | New York Times
Smokers and vapers may be at greater risk for Covid-19
Tobacco and marijuana products damage lungs, where the virus does its harm. Health officials are urging people to quit, and temporary sales bans are even being discussed.
1330. April 6, 2020 | Mother Jones
There’s a link between exposure to environmental hazards and the most severe outcomes of coronavirus
The predominantly black and low-income communities living near the back-to-back petrochemical refineries of Louisiana’s “cancer alley” have long suffered compromised immune systems and high rates of disease. Now, the state’s fast-growing COVID-19 outbreak is poised to hit them especially hard.
1331. April 6, 2020 | Chemical Watch
Overhaul to New York’s Child Safe Products Act signed into law
New York governor Andrew Cuomo has signed into law modifications to the children's product chemical disclosure law the state adopted earlier this year.
1332. April 3, 2020 | Environmental Health News
Kids with asthma who live near heavy air pollution face greater risk from coronavirus
PITTSBURGH—Kids who have asthma and live near industrial polluters may face higher risk from novel coronavirus and its resulting disease COVID-19 in the coming months.
1333. March 30, 2020 | New York Times
How to take care of your lungs
If you’re one of millions of Americans exposed to air pollution, you may be at a greater risk of catching the coronavirus — and of having a more severe infection.
1334. March 27, 2020 | Public Integrity
A likely but hidden coronavirus risk factor: pollution
Air pollution, research shows, lowers our ability to fight off infections. It worsens reactions to viruses in people with health challenges like asthma. And it could have a pernicious effect in a pandemic.
1335. March 26, 2020 | Market Watch
Here are the ‘dirty dozen’ fruit and vegetables laced with legal pesticides — even organics have traces
Nearly 70% of the fresh produce sold in the U.S. contains residues of legal though potentially harmful chemical pesticides even in small amounts, and a popular snack for children is another big offender.
1336. March 25, 2020 | Science Magazine
Mysterious chemical found in dead cat's brain reopens debate over mercury poisoning disaster
New mercury compound raises questions about methylmercury toxicity in Minamata industrial poisoning.
1337. March 25, 2020 | Science Magazine
Mysterious chemical found in dead cat's brain reopens debate over mercury poisoning disaster
New mercury compound raises questions about methylmercury toxicity in Minamata industrial poisoning.
1338. March 25, 2020 | Evening Standard UK
London pollution increases the risks for pregnant women — and their unborn children
Air pollution raises the risk of miscarriage for pregnant women as much as smoking. That was the finding of scientists investigating the impact of air quality on birth outcomes last year, while other studies have shown that pollution can increase the risk of premature birth and low birth weight.
1339. March 25, 2020 | Fair Warning
Pesticides and produce: Environmental group lists cleanest and dirtiest fruits and vegetables
Raisins are singled out in report by the Environmental Working Group, which said that the average sam
1340. March 19, 2020 | Grist.org
DDT’s toxic legacy could span three generations
Studies have struggled to link DDT and cancer. This library of frozen blood could be the key to understanding why.
1341. March 18, 2020 | Environmental Health News
BPA and babies: Controversial chemical and substitutes pollute the womb
Bisphenol A and its substitute chemicals—pervasive in food and beverage containers, canned goods and store receipts—are showing up in mothers' wombs at "unexpectedly high levels," according to a new study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology.
1342. March 17, 2020 | The Guardian
Air pollution likely to increase coronavirus death rate, warn experts
The health damage inflicted on people by long-standing air pollution in cities is likely to increase the death rate from coronavirus infections, experts have said.
1343. March 16, 2020 | CBS News
Early results from 174 Flint children exposed to lead during water crisis shows 80% of them will require special education services
Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha estimates 14,000 kids in Flint under the age of six may have been exposed to lead in their water.
1344. March 12, 2020 | The Colorado Independent
Cancer-causing benzene spiked more than once at Greeley school
Using California's standard for benzene, not the EPA's, tells a different story about chemical exposure near the Greeley school.
1345. March 12, 2020 | Mongabay
Peruvian women unite against toxic metals pollution
In Peru, communities in the Andes and the Amazon have come together to defend the health of people and families affected by pollution from toxic metals.
1346. March 12, 2020 | Mongabay
Peruvian women unite against toxic metals pollution
In Peru, communities in the Andes and the Amazon have come together to defend the health of people and families affected by pollution from toxic metals.
1347. March 8, 2020 | Hindustan Times
Kids exposed to indoor pollution from burning of solid biomass fuel have lower IQ: Study
Children who are exposed to indoor air pollution triggered by burning of solid biomass fuel such as cow-dung and wood may be suffering from lower Intelligence Quotient levels, a new study has indicated.
1348. March 6, 2020 | Chigaco Tribute
Indiana lead testing bill won’t protect children, expert says
Leaving water with lead traces up to 15 ppb means the damage is already done for a child's development, said Andrew Whelton, a water infrastructure expert.
1349. March 4, 2020 | Pittsburgh Current
Schweiger: The Smokey City is once again at a crossroads
Pittsburgh faces growing health risks from ground-level ozone and fine respirable particles. A warming climate exacerbates pollutant impacts.
1350. March 3, 2020 | Environmental Health News
Food packaging can harm human health
Harmful chemicals in food packaging and other food contact materials can pose considerable risk to our health, according to a review of more than 1,200 peer-reviewed studies.